Cross stitch mission

If you read my last post you will know that a lovely lady contacted me on one of the Facebook groups I belong to and sent me all of her cross stitching stuff as sadly her eyesight is no longer good enough to do it.

Following the charts, kits and cross stitch fabric I received from her that I showed in my last post she contacted me and said that when she had found them she would send threads as well. She said she was unsure if they were DMC or Anchor would that be an issue?

As I only use DMC and Jaqui only uses Anchor I said no not at all. She told me to expect another package.

OMG! Today I received a large bag of cross stitch threads. I am so blown away the bag is full of threads. I don’t know how many. I am going to sort them tonight and see what I have.

I am so overwhelmed by the ladies generosity I can’t tell you. I may have blubbed a bit. I have already had a sort out of the other things she gifted me and decided what I want to keep and what I am going to re-home.

I have found homes for 2 of the Teresa Wentzler charts that I have duplicates of one in the UK and one in the United States so I will send those at the weekend. There will be more as I get to them and find recipients I feel will appreciate and stitch them.

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